At Dogwood Veterinary Dental, we understand that if you don’t know what to expect, bringing your dog or cat in for a dental appointment can be a little nerve-wracking—and it may even keep you from scheduling their appointment! That’s why we created a detailed list of what to expect during a dental visit. From patient history and physical exam, to the full-mouth x-rays, we’ll make sure your pet’s teeth are healthy and strong. We’re committed to providing pets in the Vancouver, WA area with the best dental care possible, and we’re here to answer any questions you may have!

What to expect:

  1. Before the dental procedure, we’ll take a look at your pet’s medical history and give them a physical exam. We’ll also do an initial check of their teeth to get an idea of what we’re working with.

  2. Your pet will receive a sedative injection prior to having their IV Catheter placed.

  3. An IV Catheter is placed so that we can give your pet fluids while they are under and to have access to a vein to give injectable anesthesia and life-saving drugs (if needed).

  4. To ensure your pet’s comfort and safety, we’ll put them under general gas anesthesia and keep a close eye on them throughout the procedure.

  5. Next, we’ll give your pet’s mouth a good cleaning by flushing it with an antiseptic solution to reduce bacteria.

  6. Time to tackle those pesky tartar build-ups! We’ll remove any visible tartar above the gum line and then move on to any hidden tartar under the gum line.

  7. We’ll carefully examine each tooth, noting any issues such as abnormal pockets or problems. We’ll also create a detailed dental chart.

  8. To get a better look at your pet’s teeth, we’ll take full-mouth dental x-rays.

  9. We’ll finish off by giving your pet’s teeth a shiny polish and flushing their gums with an antiseptic solution. We’ll also apply fluoride to strengthen their teeth.

  10. If your pet needs it, we’ll provide pain medication to keep them comfortable.

  11. Once the procedure is finished, we’ll make a treatment plan and give you a call to discuss our recommendations.

  12. We’ll perform the approved treatment plan and give you some tips on how to take care of your pet’s teeth at home.

  13. Overall, keeping your pet’s teeth healthy is crucial for their well-being and longevity, and regular dental check-ups with a veterinarian who specializes in dental care is the best way to accomplish this.

If you’re in the Vancouver, WA area, we’d love to be your pet’s dentist of choice! Our team serves both dogs and cats and we would love to meet you and your furry best friend. It’s easy to schedule an appointment—just call us at (360) 859-3790 and our team will take care of you.

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